Marlyn Socorro

Senior Accountant
Marlyn Socorro

Marlyn is a Senior Accountant at GHIRP. She is a Certified International Executive Coach, holding a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Rafael Urdaneta University (URU), and two master’s degree in international tax and finance from Rafael Belloso Chacín University (URBE) and Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy). Throughout her career, Marlyn has had the privilege to work with renowned multinational companies such as Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) and Wood Group (Oil & Gas), as well as notable national organizations including Diario Panorama (Newspaper) in Venezuela, Sun Village Beach Resorts and Spa (Hospitality), Corporación Avícola del Caribe (Poultry), and Global Evolutions Professionals (GEPRO) in the Dominican Republic. In addition to her professional endeavors, Marlyn has developed a successful Leadership program, which has been implemented with companies such as Hard Rock Hotel (DR), Vice-presidency of Dominican Republic, Iberostar Hotels (DR), and Dirección General de Cine (DR).

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