Andréia Hart

Staff Attorney
Immigrant Children & Youth (ICY) Program
Andréia Hart

Andréia is a Staff Attorney with the Immigrant Children & Youth (ICY) program. Prior to joining GHIRP, Andréia worked as a Staff Attorney for the YMCA International Services where she provided legal services to detained immigrants in the Houston-area detention facilities and unaccompanied minors. Andréia has represented clients before the Immigration Court, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and immigrant children in family courts. Andréia was born and raised in Brazil. She studied law at the Pernambuco Catholic University and has a Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) from Penn State Law. She is licensed to practice law in Texas. As an immigrant herself, Andréia is passionate about advocating for their rights. Andréia can be reached at

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